Awareness Training - Reporting & Insights

This article describes how to use reporting and summary boards, in Mimecast Awareness Training, and is intended for Administrators.



The Reporting & Insights section contains WatchlistUser PerformanceUser Risk and Efficacy reports.

  • The Watchlist and User Performance tables are accessed through the Compliance Center.
  • The User Risk table is accessed via the Risk Center.
  • This also includes a User Record drill-down view for both the Watchlist and User Performance tables.
  • The Efficacy graphs can be viewed via the new Efficacy Report.
Key features include:
  • A granular approach, making it easier to search, filter and aggregate data across any linked directory attribute.
  • Filter fly-out menu.
  • PDF reporting available directly in the console, without needing to convert raw data into .xlsx format.

There are summary boards in the Compliance Center and Risk Center.

  • User PerformanceWatchlist and Risk tables show enhanced trend analytics behavior.
  • These tables display interactive graphs, for easy "at-a-glance" key performance reporting.

Graphs in the Efficacy Report, to help you to understand the relationship between behavior, risk, and security awareness. This displays interactive graphs, for easy "at-a-glance" key performance reporting, and allows you to:

  • See the impact of Awareness Training on real-world risk reduction.
  • Track your organization’s risk journey over time.
  • Provide helpful benchmarking against other Mimecast customers.


  • An existing Mimecast Email Security Cloud Gateway, or Email Security Cloud Integrated account.
  • Mimecast Awareness Training enabled in your Mimecast account.
  • You log in to Mimecast as a Basic Administrator (at a minimum).  
  • For Email Security Cloud Gateway administrators, you have linked attributes (e.g. Department, Location, Company, Supervisor) via the Mimecast Administration Console.
  • For Email Security Cloud Integrated administrators, your attributes (City, Country, Job Title, Physical Delivery Office Name and Department) will be automatically synchronized for you.

Compliance Center

You can access the Compliance Centre, by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to Mimecast Awareness Training.
  2. Navigate to Reporting & Insights | Compliance Center.

  3. The Compliance Center displays high-level trended and consolidated monthly breakdown of the Watchlist and User Performance data:
    • The Watchlist Summary graph shows the percentage of recorded users presently on the Watchlist, and you can overlay data for up to three departments to view trends.
    • The Company Wide User Performance Summary graph shows trends in assignments sent to participating employees, and assignment completion.


You can access the Watchlist Details, by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to Mimecast Awareness Training.
  2. Navigate to Reporting & Insights | Compliance Center.
  3. Click on Watchlist Details.

    • The top-level stats section aggregates and highlights data, to give a high-level overview of the Watchlist table. This will update continuously as you apply filters.
    • The Watchlist table displays employees who have not completed their assignments within four weeks. 
  1. You can customize the reporting columns by clicking on the gear icon. The logged in Admin user's preferences are saved for this table, using a cookie.

  2. Click on the Filter button and use the Filter fly-out menu to filter values by up to ten unique attributes, and click on Apply to apply the filter. The reporting data will update, including the top-level stats.

  3. Click on Search to search the whole query list by user name or user's email address.
  4. Click on Report to create a report based on your filtered data/search criteria. You can then click on Generate PDF to download the report.

  5. Select a row to view user record details for the user:
    • Summary and details are shown for the user's performance.
    • You can then click on Generate PDF to download the report, which includes Training Performance and Phishing Performance.

User Performance

You can access the User Performance Details, by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to Mimecast Awareness Training.
  2. Navigate to Reporting & Insights | Compliance Center.
  3. Click on User Performance Details.

    • The top-level stats section aggregates and highlights data, to give a high-level overview of the User Performance table. This will update continuously as you apply filters
    • The User Performance table displays a list of employees and their engagement patterns across all of their assignments.
  1. You can use the same features in User Performance as for Watchlist
    • Customize the reporting columns, and preferences are saved for this table.
    • Use the Filter fly-out menu to filter values by up to ten unique attributes, and click on Apply to apply the filter. The reporting data will update, including the top-level stats.
    • Click on Search to search the whole query list by user name or user's email address.
    • Click on Report to create a report based on your filtered data/search criteria. You can then click on Generate PDF to download the report.

    • Select a row to view a user record details for the selected user, then Generate PDF to save (which includes Training Performance and Phishing Performance).

Exporting Raw Data

Exported Raw Data is available for download only in Excel spreadsheet format (XLSX file), ensuring compatibility for analysis.

You can access the Export Raw Data, by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to Mimecast Awareness Training.
  2. Select Reporting & Insights | Compliance Center.
  3. Click on User Performance Details.

  1. Click on Export Raw Data.

Risk Center

You can access the Risk Centre, by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to Mimecast Awareness Training.
  2. Navigate to Reporting & Insights | Risk Center.

  3. The Risk Center displays high-level consolidated and trended graphs of Company Risk Score and User Risk Summary Trend data:
    • The Company Risk Score graph shows the overall risk grade, via a comprehensive monthly view.
    • The User Risk Summary Trend graph can be used to check how the individual grades are evolving, allowing you to maintain control of objectives and plan your program strategy.

User Risk

You can access User Risk, by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to Mimecast Awareness Training.
  2. Navigate to Reporting & Insights | Risk Center.
  3. Click on View Details.

    • The top-level stats section aggregates and highlights data, to give a high-level overview of the User Risk table. This will update continuously as you apply filters.
    • The User Risk table displays a list of employees and their engagement patterns across all of their assignments.
  1. You can use the same features in User Risk as for Watchlist and User Performance
    • Customize the reporting columns, and preferences are saved for this table.
    • Use the Filter fly-out menu to filter values by up to ten unique attributes, and click on Apply to apply the filter. The reporting data will update, including the top-level stats.
    • Click on Search to search the whole query list by user name or user's email address.
    • Click on Report to create a report based on your filtered data/search criteria:
      • The report displays Filtered Risk Score, Company Risk Score, Employee Breakdown by Grade and F Grade for Human Error & User Risk (top risky users). 

      • You can then click on Generate PDF to download the report.
    • Select a row to view Risk Details for the selected user.
      • The report displays Training Performance and Phishing Performance for the user.
      • You can then click on Generate PDF to download the report.

Efficacy Report

You can access the Efficacy Report, by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to Mimecast Awareness Training.
  2. Navigate to Reporting & Insights | Efficacy Report.


  3. The Efficacy  Report displays interactive graphs, that show the relationship between behavior, risk, and security awareness:
    • Dangerous URL Clicks:  This shows end-user dangerous URL clicks observed by Mimecast Email Security. The numbers displayed on the graph represent the total number of clicks divided by the total number of end user licenses at the time of calculation.
    • Reported Messages: This shows end-user reported messages observed by Mimecast Email Security. The numbers displayed on the graph represent the total number of reported messages divided by the total number of end user licenses at the time of calculation.
    • Phishing Campaign Clicked Comparison: This shows end-user phishing simulation clicks for the campaigns run during the selected timeframe. The bars displayed on the graph represent the percentage of employees who clicked the phishing URL link for the corresponding campaign.
    • Phishing Campaign Reported Comparison: This shows show end-user reported messages for phishing simulation, during the selected timeframe. The bars displayed on the graph represent the percentage of employees who reported the phishing simulation for the corresponding campaign.
  1. Click on Report to create a report based on your filtered data/search criteria. You can then click on Generate PDF to download the report.
    • The Dangerous URL Clicks graph offers industry benchmarking as well as comparison against customers without Mimecast Awareness Training. This provides a control group against which you can understand and contextualize the impact of security awareness.
    • The Phishing Campaign Click Comparison and Phishing Campaign Reported Comparison graphs provide benchmarking against Mimecast Awareness Training customers
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